There are two new lines of Singapore math books. You can find them at B&N and at teacher stores. These are geared for the US afterschooling market I believe. These are produced by US Publishers and are not used in Singapore nor have been. The 70 Word Problems...series is similar to CWP but have only 1 problem per page and each problem is worked out in detail. The other Singapore Math book looks similar to SM Primary Math series. I read at the SM forum that these new series are a bit watered down from the Singapore versions. SM CWP series has been discontinued so HSers everywhere have been buying them like hot cakes. I bought levels 3-6 for my kids and will just have them work the problems on paper rather than buying 3sets of 6 levels (my oldest has already done level 1 and 2).

In addition to the two new series, there is a new Singapore math which is the California Standards Edition. It's very similar to SM Primary Math series but the scope and sequence is a bit different with some topics added in such as probability and statistics. I read that the Home Instructor guides for the CA Standards Edition is much better than those for the Primary Series.
