Hi. I have posted some time ago asking for a help to decipher my son's IQ scores. I do a lot of reading on this forum, although I don't post as much.
Here is some update on us:
My HG DS5 is starting Kinder this August. (We have home schooled until now, with him mainly being in the lead for all subjects of study. It is amazing how much we have covered.) We have searched for a best school we could find. We visited full time gifted public, full time gifted private, and bunch of others. My son finally fell in love with public magnet science, math and technology school. The school seems really great: their motto is learn with hands on. It has its own planetarium, mock up space station room where children perfom various tests in astronaut suits, flight simulator ,real science class room with live animals and microscopes (this was a big selling point for my DS), lego robotics, invetions club, chess club, also art and music, and much more. However they only offer pull out gifted classroom 45 minutes a day/5 times a week for math and reading. The gifted teacher reviewed DS's tests and work and is ready to start to work with him on the 3rd grade level of math and reading. The rest of the day he will be in his regular K classroom. He is allowed to join some after school clubs that are for 2nd graders and higher: science club and chess club. Our district is strictly against grade skipping, that is why they offer gifted programs, we were told.
But DS's examining psychologist told us, that DS will most likely be bored in gifted school. So we tried to look beyond, and this program seemed less limiting to ones capabilities.
However, I still worry if we made the right choice and if regular school is even a good option. I am stay at home mom, and can go back to HSing on moments notice.
I am sorry for this long intro, but here is my question: What are the signs in child's behavior, to be on a lookout for? I know, some of you mentioned that your children had horrid year at K, and I want to avoid that experience for my DS. I like to be proactive. DS is my only child, and he loves learning! I would hate if his love of learning would disappear.
Thanks in advance. Niki