I'm a member and have had fun at the two annual gathering I've attended, but it really isn't in our budget to go yearly. My local group is 1+ hrs away, so I don't really ever get to events. The few I tried to pull together in my area drew much older people and one college student, who probably got even less out of the crowd than I did.

At the AGs, I did meet a fair share of "look how smart I [or my kids] am [are]" types, but also some really fun and interesting people. My kids really enjoyed playing Werewolf with some other members at the Denver AG last summer. I think that the thing at the AGs is that there are a lot of people, so there are bound to be some you like even if some of them are unappealing. Local groups are smaller, so you have fewer people to choose from. I understand that our local group has a gifted children's program now but, again, it is so far that I just haven't been able to make events.