Sorry I missed this the first time! I was just getting ready to post a question about math resources. I've been lurking, but for a variety of reasons, I've been relatively quiet lately. I do appreciate you asking though!

We've been very busy the last month as our family grew by +1. Everyone is doing great. We broke a long standing tradition of boys and DW and I finally have a girl (the reason we tried for number 3). We had serious genetics working against us and we were plesently surprised.

DS6 ended the school year on a little bit of a rocky note. We're trying to figure out what to do for next year, but for now it looks like we're going to try the public school system one more year. You may or may not recall that DS6 has a sleep apnea problem that may be amplifying his emotional reactions, particularly during school days (he sleeps an incredible amount and then wakes up tired). We have surgery next week to see if we can clear that up. That may be making school days a little difficult for him--that and he is a bit bored.

We're planning on getting another evaluation this summer because now he's old enough for the WISC. We're going this based on our observations and the fact that the school pyschologist said that the SB-V wasn't a great test for his type of thinking.

I have to say... after school got out, his interest in diving deep on certain subjects has really exploded. I wouldn't mention this in other forums, but I think school is holding him back a bit. He got Murdous Maths books for Christmas and really hasn't had much interest in them... until now. Since school has let out he's been ripping through them! Number games that we used to play have turned into full blown alegbra equations that he does for fun. I'm pretty exhausted right now so I won't go completely into it, but I am thinking that for next year I have to get a little more assetive on at least the Math aspect of it. He's also becoming a little more self aware "Daddy, I'm clever with math." (Okay we also indulge the boys with Doctor Who so they get their dose of English proper.)

I will definitely post more very soon. I'm looking for other math resources like alegebra word problems for the unschooling that we're doing.

Thanks for asking! I am still around.