i similar issuse with my 4yr old daughter she is a major perfectionist and when she doesnt get things right she will go in her room and ill hear her crying and saying things like "its all my fault" or "im not good enough" and when i go in and ask if everything is okay she stops as i come in and says oh im fine....which is weird

she also one time heard me telling her little brother (2.9yrs old) how smart it was of him to figure somthing out (cant remember exactly what he had done) and she cut in with "but im smarter then him right?" and i said well yes but ONLY because you are older then him some day he may be smarter then you she got furiously angry at me and i said " there will always be people who are smarter then you honey no one is perfect" and she got even more upset that she was somehow infirer to all these smarter people..

we are christians and so i tell her that no one but Jesus was evr perfect and that he was God so she will never be perfect....

lol now when i tell her no one is perfect shes reminds me "Jesus was"