DD4 has been accepted for early entrance. She would start kindergarten this fall at 4 and turn 5 in mid October. The school is a good well known school about 25 min from our house. We are in the process of moving to this area. They have two ways to go English and Spanish. DD4 flip flops between what she wants saying she wants to do Spanish one day and English the next. She has learned quite a bit of Spanish in the past 2 years just on TV and from society. My husband and I know a little but are not fluent.

So I have to make a decision! Do we send her to Kindergarten in the fall? Should she do it in English or should we ask if she can go in Spanish. The school I observed has no openings for English this fall but has Spanish. Another good school which I have not observed because summer came to quickly has accepted her for English in the fall. My husband went to this school as a child.

I don't know what to do. She is definitely capable of doing the academics, but I feel like she is getting big so fast and it is hard to let go. It makes me nervous to send her to a school I have not actually observed. Also if she wants to do Spanish immersion she has to start in kindergarten.

Help. I need advice, the pros and cons. I process things out loud and there are not many people I can talk to about this.

Some days while raising her I have felt cheated out of having a baby, toddler, preschooler because it is gone so fast. This feeling probably contributed to us having three so close together. I really can't imagine her waiting another year academically. That might be damaging and inappropriate, But she is still so little. What do you guys think?