Due to a recommendation on this site, I enrolled my (soon to be 7th grade) daughter in a course at TT Outreach.


She is halfway through Latin 1A. This has been great for her (and me). She reads four years above grade level (in English) so this is not a stretch. It is recommended for 6th through 12th anyway.

It has a cassette tape with it so she is learning about old technology. LOL She loves reading along with the tape and pronouncing the words. She is a vocabulary sponge anyway and this is something different for her.

My philosophy for gifted students is to enjoy learning. Expanding to different subjects is what they need and crave. They want to know more about their world. I have no desire for her to graduate early, but to enjoy her gift a little more than most students. Students that graduate early feel "emancipated" from their parents and this leads to other problems.

Anyway, she is learning more about language since she is exposed to all the cases and declensions. There is really fun Roman History and she will learn about the Iliad and other stories. We are watching Spartacus as a family (which was recommended) and she is loving that. So far, it has not been too difficult, but is a challenge. She has a 100 average so she is getting it.

I plan to enroll her through Latin 2. I also feel that knowing other languages helps to have a deeper understanding and pronunciation of English or borrowed foreign words so taking one year of Spanish and more of another language (she chooses German) will only help.

I especially love the curriculum for the Theatre Arts course and hope to enroll her in this later. It is interesting, open ended, and she will analyze plays. We love the theatre and this will help her to enjoy that experience more.