
My 9 year old gifted dyslexic son's school music teacher notices that he cannot match pitch and sings at the same level. HIs dyslexia apparently derives from an auditory sequential weakness as his visual processing is very high (behavioral optometric assessment of visual processing concluded he was at least 4 years ahead of his age). I guess what I wanted to ask is whether anyone has ever heard of dyslexia (or this type of dyslexia)also interfering or linking with a form of tone deafness (or inability to match pitch or change pitch). It may of course have nothing to do with it - he may just not be musical smile Also has anyone experienced this in their dyslexic child. He loves to sing (irrespective of his apparent lack of ability) and now is being 'nicely asked' to leave the choir and/or obtain singing lessons to teach him to match pitch. If there is anything already on this thread, please point me in the right direction. I am happy to hear any of your thoughts or opinions.
