I know these are older posts, but I was wondering if you ever made progress with your school, or how you went about testing.

We're new to the Seattle area and are having a similar experience. My son's teacher, who I love, is just not too interested in the fact that he's doing multiplication, not 3+2. We're new to the school and my son has some social difficulties. I was told that if there is an "educational impact" that he would be more eligible for moire services - and it was definitely strongly implied that academic delays would be "helpful" in demonstrating this impact. This from staff I had already discussed how accelerated he is! He's already been skipped up one grade, and academically needs to skip another - but of course, this is not fun for a kid who is already awkward (please do not respond to classmate questions with robot noises.)

So we're looking into some homeschooling options, maybe a combo program. I would love to hear how it went for you. It seems our experiences are not unique!

Hope it has gone well for you....