I want to recommend the "Bob Books" to all who may have beginning readers. My son wouldn't read books before, only a sentance here and their. Signs in stores, the back of cereal boxes (it seemed anything but books, just something intimidating about them i guess). A friend Recommended the Bob Books By Bobby Lynn Maslen. I reserved the first set of "Bob Books" from our library, thinking they'd just be more books he wouldn't want to read. Anyway he loves them! He actually comes up to me at times to as if he can read to me!! their so simple and he doesn't notice how the get a little more difficult book by book. They all have the same look, so i think he feels confident that he can read the next one because he read the one before, that looked like it. Anyhow i think they're great and highly recommend.
I wish i Had known about them a year ago and I bet he'd never have had the hard time wanting to read books.
If you have a child that knows his letter sounds...Bob Books are great first books!