Hi Suzanne,
I have posted on other threads about dysgraphia. My son is 11, a great and voracious reader and hates to write. He refuses to write much of the time, which sounds more obstinate than your son. He was diagnosed with dysgraphia at 9, but I didn't put a lot of weight on the diagnosis because he can write very neatly and is a good speller. I've always thought his refusal was based more on emotion and perfectionism. The information on the Eide Neurolearning Site about dysgraphia was enlightening for me as it doesn't just focus on handwriting and motor skills. It also helped me to put myself into his shoes and imagine what it would be like to write my thoughts down if I had to consciously think of each work while I was writing.

It sounds to me like you have some good information to start with. If he takes to typing that could eliminate most of the difficulties right there.

Good luck with this, and keep writing.
