I hope you can all help me! This is my 10 year old daughter, in 5th grade. I finally got the school to test her and may have the opportunity to ask for accommodations or entry into gifted program (with accommodations?) but need advice!

WISC IV scores:

Verbal Comprehension 134
Similarities 14
Vocabulary 15
Comprehension 18

Perceptual Reasoning 104
Block Design 11
Picture Concepts 7
Matrix Reasoning 14

Working Memory 135
Digit Span 19
Letter-Number Sequencing 13

Processing Speed 106
Coding 12
Symbol Search 10

Full Scale IQ 125 (but noted that too much scatter to really measure)

Other notes:

1. She is excellent socially. NLD/Aspergers not indicated.

2. She performs "average" in district-wide math testing, but in the 99th
percentile on all subtests given (including numerical operations and mathematics reasoning) on the WIAT. However, her verbal and non-verbal OLSAT scores were 118 and 114 respectively, which is why she did not make it into the gifted program.

3. She is observed to frustrate easily when not getting a concept right
away (such as in math). Also, she often misses details during tests, and sometimes doesn't hear when assignments are given.

4. The Conners Continuous Performance Test was given. There was a
91.64% change that no significant, clinical attention problem exists. However,
of the 12 overall measures, four placed in the mildly atypical range, suggesting
impulsivity and inattentiveness. It was also noted that response style was
different from a typical respondent in the norm group in that the child
reponded more often. REaction time was fast, but performance was below-
average in the area of discriminating targets from one another, which
(according to the tester) suggests impulsivity. Her performance overall was
described as "fast and inaccurate".

Can anyone help me figure out where to go from here?

Thank you!!