Hi Tammy and Trinity,

I too put DD7 in a situation at a gifted program in sit. where she would pick two classes and I would pick one. She was not happy.... Guess which one she loved best? I actually had the director push her up to a class with older gifted kids and I was feeling a lot like pushy/crazy mom and a little nervous/guily. It ended up being the best hard decision I have made so far for her. It's amazing what the kids can do if given the opportunity to excell, she will never get this same opportunity at public school. She ended up falling in love with chemistry, was happy, and had that love of learning look on her face I hadn't seen in a while. She is now totally into DNA and body chemistry, neither of us would have know she had that interest because they don't do that stuff in second grade. I guess what I'm trying to express is....If you can swing traveling to a good program, don't be afraid that it won't be worth your while. If you find a good one for your dd, it will be worth it's weight in gold.
