After the skip, the principal says he will subject accelerate her just for math, but her 3rd grade math teacher & 1st grade regular teachers really don't think she's ready to be in the 4th grade classroom because the dynamics are different. She also needs frequent re-direction, and actually sat on the teacher's lap this last year (which she loved because she is little and a snuggler!) for her accelerated math because it kept her on task better. She does love the computer, so maybe an on-line course could be a solution. Do you or does anyone else know of any good ones?

And for the reading, we're at the point where we don't even care where they put her. She's already so far ahead of all the kids through 5th and multiple grade skips won't make a bit of as long as they let her read novels that she enjoys, we're fine with anything. Also, one thing her first grade teacher let her do on the days when, for whatever reason, she didn't get accelerated up to 3rd and was in first grade for reading/math lesson, was to read independently (we sent a selection of science & history text books for her) or do arts/crafts which she loves, instead of what her class was doing. She loved the flexibility that offered to her. Maybe that could be an option for you.....