My DS6 was in a wonderful program this year, most of you know the story, Accelerated through 4 different grades etc... He has been telling me for awhile that he'd like to know how much longer he needs to "do this school thing" because he hasn't learned anything. Surely a K in 5th grade math is learning something, I poo pooed and sort of dismissed his comments.

Today I was given his NWEA test scores for his year end testing. He had exactly yhe same scores that he had at the beginning of the year. No growth at all! Reading 208, Math 217. They don't give him the LA part. How is it possible for a child to get exactly the same scores twice in a row?

So even with radical acceleration, how am I going to know if he's actually learning something? This is getting a little ridiculous at this point. I'm beginning to feel like it doesn't matter what we do for him.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!