Thank you for your thoughtful responses. I have not been successful in tracking down a psychologist who specializes in working with gifted children; I guess I will continue to work on that angle. I really just want to get this right for my child.
Regarding achievement testing, the KTEA-II was also administered by the school:
Nonsense Word Decoding: 153
Letter & Word Recognition: 149
Reading Comp.: 145
Math Computation: 129
Math Concepts & Applications: 130
Spelling: 112
My son is in a small, independent K-8 school, where they have been very helpful in working through the testing processes. However, I am a little concerned that the ball is in my court and I am not sure what to do with it. Summer is just about here and a new school year will be upon us quickly. Any comments on "key steps" in this process will be welcomed.