Each year seems to have a problem for us-
NOTE: You can skip down to "Junior High" if you want
1st grade- got transfered into "advanced" class, but did not make the actual gifted program, so that was a bummer
2nd grade- Was not placed back into the advanced class, and continued to not make gifted
3rd grade- Watched greatest rival make gifted program, while DD just sat there thinking "I'm smarter than him". Too bad she couldn't prove it, we forgot to try out that year.
4th grade- Still not in gifted program, although teachers were recognizing that she might be gifted. Went through strange defiance, got mad at teachers, got more sensitive. (and sometimes these things weren't her fault. she cam home one day, upset because her teacher got mad at her for telling a friend that she was doing Sudoku wrong. DD was right, but the teacher still got mad) and lastly, she REFUSED to do "reading logs", although she might read, she refused to fill out the form, thus causing zeros, refused to get parent signatures on behavior cards, spent most of the free day fridays in "bad behavior" zone (for people who had to "sign the book" that week), and had grades below the 80's that teachers were mad at her for.
5th- MADE GIFTED!!!! but had to wait for the next year to start. So here goes another long year. The behavior issues from the year before were mostly gone, but not entirely. This year was kind of a repeat of the 3rd grade year, but what annoys me is that the teacher said to her face (after a MAP testing), "maybe you are kind of good at math", or something along those lines. I think the teachers were starting to get it.....
JUNIOR HIGH- I should be happy now, right? Wrong.. OK, we're in gifed.... thats helped a lot. But slowly yet surely, DD13 has removed herself from social activities- she gets home and stays in her room or on the computer all day. She also very stubborn and never does homework. Therefore, she gets a lot of bad grades on daily grades. Now, I'm exaggerating a bit, she has managed to maintain an A in all but the gifted class, which she may still have an A in as well (maybe an 89 at the lowest), but thats because of bonus points on math tests, so she can get a 105, not a 100. I don't know if its under achievement, lack of motivation, laziness..... Whatever, this serves as my back story, a question, whatever, just putting this out there....