The principal just now emailed the teacher and I ds's schedule for the next two weeks after talking to the 2nd grade teacher. It looks like he will be going to class and recess time with 2nd grade and then go to lunch and it's recess with his 1st grade peers then back to 2nd grade for the rest of the day. At first I wondered why he just didn't go all day to 2nd grade until I realized they must want to add a comfort level in at lunch so he doesn't feel completely thrown for a loop.

He hasn't said how he feels about it yet. Dh and I asked him yesterday seperately if he knew where we went and what it was about. He told me "You went to talk with the principal cause I am talented" then ran off to play. He told dh "He knows! We had a meeting cause he is smart." It was a nice day so the kid's were outside playing and riding there bikes most of the evening until bedtime. We plan on telling him more details especially about being in a 2nd grade class for the next two weeks over the 3 day weekend. Dh doesn't want him to get overwhelmed and feel pressured so we are going slow and talking about it in a non-chalant when the oppurtunity arises way.

Last edited by xoxosmom; 05/22/09 02:44 PM. Reason: typos