We were happy with the listening therapy my kids did along with their OT at the Star Center. You can read a little about it here http://www.starcenter.us/services-treatment.html

Indeed it is controversial as to whether it helps with auditory issues - it seems like it's a crapshoot, helping some kids and not others. As far as my kids' OT went, the purpose was to facilitate changes in the brain faster. One of my kids, who is still in speech therapy, saw some significant improvement with speech during that time, according to both the speech therapist and the teacher. I have the home CDs that I ended up buying from Integrated Listening, and I'm trying to get myself to make two of my kids do them over the summer, to see if it helps. http://www.integratedlistening.com/ (the cds that my kids used with OT came from this place, though the home ones I bought are somewhat different).

For us, I think it was around $40 extra per OT session to have the listening therapy. So it didn't seem like it was expensive since it was a fraction of what the OT was costing. For the home program, I paid around 500-600.