Well the meeting is done and option 2 is the way we are going.

The meeting was nerve wracking, however! The 6th grade gifted (HAL) teacher was there and she was VERY unhappy with the prospect of potentially coming up with a curriculum for one student because she did not like the idea of DD repeating essentially the same class all over again (I thought this was interesting since the school had no qualms about recommending she not only take 6th grade reading again, but at the lower level). The Dist Super was there and the principal and all agreed that she didn't need to do that. We all felt that DD loved reading so much that it wouldn't necessarily burden her to re read some of the classic novels (which she can read in a day or two). By the end of the lengthy convo I think we all agreed having an "Easy A" in reading was the least of the issues. If we cannot move her to 7th grade reading, this is better than nothing. It is just going to be a transition year.

I do not think the middle school principal supported option 2. you get a vibe that is unmistakeable. Plus he kept saying "IF we choose option 2." I don't get the warm and fuzzies from this team.

Well, it is done. But I will be glad when school is in session and this is behind us. I just hope all goes smoothly in the Fall.