Hello, I'm new here and have a question for the Board.

My daughter was accelerated into 1st Grade at our local Gifted school. The school administered the NWEA tests recently and according to the RIT information I found online, I think she did well.

Reading: 214
Language Usage: 220
Math: 219

I found out later (after the tests) that the school administered the "Survey" tests to the 1st Graders instead of the typical ones because it was their first time taking these tests and most of the students were taking longer than the hour. There has also been talk that the teachers would not consider the RIT scores from the 1st Graders because they're considering these tests as their practice tests.

My dd has been bored with her Math class this year. At the first P/T conferences, the teacher acknowledged that she was ahead of the class and said that she was either going to differentiate within her class or see if she can move her to a higher level. After the Holiday break, I didn't realize that the teachers gave my dd a "test" to see if she would belong to the more advanced Math group. She blew off the test and performed as if she didn't know the material. I believe she did this because she LOVES her Math teacher and didn't want to move on to a different teacher. I let it go because she went through a lot last year when there was uncertainty as to whether or not she should be accelerated. I figured as long as she likes her teacher and she's happy, I shouldn't push. She has complained of being bored with Math all 2nd semester and has lost her interest in Math. At the last P/T conferences, the teacher showed us the class list of grades and her's were the highest by far. When we asked where she might be placed next year, we were told that she would just proceed with this current class so that there wouldn't be any holes in her understanding of Math.

Are her RIT scores invalid because it is her first time taking the NWEA tests? Will her Math scores help the argument to place her ahead in Math next year? She gets attached to her teachers very easily and I believe if she was placed in a more advanced level at the beginning of the year, she is more likely to perform to her potential.

Does anyone have any advice for me?


Last edited by mamaduck; 05/14/09 04:47 AM.