My DD7 is currently in 1st grade and we are trying to get her accelerated into 3rd next year. Our principal is the final approving authority and has indicated that she really doesn't believe in it. She has agreed to meet with us next week to discuss. We asked to meet with her alone and then the following day would meet with group (current teachers, gifted specialist, principal).

I got to admit I'm not to keen on the idea of homeschooling, not totally opposed either. If the school denies the request for grade acceleration it is an option I would consider. My question is once I home school for a while if I went back to the school how do they decide what grade she would be in then. How long would I need to home school her before I could convince them she is ready for a grade above her chronological age? Could I homeschool simply long enough to force them to recognize a whole grade acceleration?