How funny, I would be excited about that as well. This morning on the way to drop him off my DS4 was dividing numbers into quarters and other fractions (like 2/5 of 100,etc). He apparently figured it out in his head during our car ride and was excited about it. I have realized for some time that he needs some more challenges in Math because of how quickly he gets things. On the way out of the car I mention to him that I ordered him some workbooks so he can do some math. He said "that's great, but I already know all the math there is" I say "well you know a lot of math, but not all the math there is." He says "yes I do mom, I even know about decimals and fractions and all that stuff." So yes, I hear you that I am looking forward to challenges and some mistakes. He is starting 1st grade in September, and hopefully they will accelerate him with Math (and reading) or else he really will think that he knows it all.

p.s. and we are working on humility, but they don't have workbooks for that. : )