I feel your pain. We are right in the middle of potty training and not that I really wanted to start up on this task during this week since we are leaving for a trip on Monday but she flat out asked to be potty trained instead of simply talking about it. DD is excited for about the first 3 hours and than is bored with the whole thing. And I too am having the issue of making her go on the pot with no luck and than 5 minutes later she pees in her pants.

What I have noticed is IF I can get her mind off the task at hand while she is sitting on the pot by playing silly games such as toss the underwear back and forth than she is able to pee in her potty chair with no problems.

And PurpleHeather ... the computer allowance is a great tip that I might have to try with DD since she loves the computer. But all of this will have to wait until we are back from our trip. I really can not imagine how I could potty train her while on the road. I really hope you have your DD trained here soon. Crossing my fingers for you.