I'm so sorry! My son is 3 1/2 so I don't have these problems...YET! I take my son to a playgroup and some of the Mom's consider my kid the "smart" one and he's just showing off when he starts reading to me at reading time (instead of me reading to him). One Mom actually said something to another about her daughter being really smart but they don't have to do it in public. huh? We are sitting next to each other as every other parent/child is, reading quitely. What I have done is nice them to death. I have volunteered at every fund raiser. Offer to help other Mom's when they bring 2 kids and have to go potty or one wants to go play outside and the other doesn't. You might also try to divide and conquer. Have coffee with your neighbor and tell her how unhappy Mite is and you have no idea why. Set up play times with some of the kids not in this group. Have a Halloween party and invite them all (also invite others in case they don't show).
I am new to this site and I realize that this site is very PC but I can't help but think "mean people stink". An internet friend uses this as a tag line. I dread the day I will face this...