Wow exciting and depressing for me since I was the kid who would have loved those books. I was/am really good at math to the point that my math professors begged me to change my major to math but it was so redundant and boring to me. I am a logical person in that once you tell me the concept and step it through I have it so why did I need to do all of the homework attached to it? So I didn't but would come in and ace the tests. LOL Drove my professors nuts to say the least. I'm great at the argument too ... I still got my A b/c I argued that homework is to ensure you comprehend the concept and by acing the test I proved that and therefore should only be considered on the test. But these textbooks would have made such a difference in my approach and I just might have wanted to graduate with a math degree. My problem is DD is too young for such things at this point so hopefully when she is ready for Algebra on these books will be available.

Anyway ... thanks for posting on them. Making a mental note for later on.