Bronxmom... you might have already given a breakdown of what has happened in the last few months that the teacher would claim she might need to fail him but could you add it to this thread?

And keep in mind that this is 1st grade the idea of them failing him and what it does to his permanent record really shouldn't be the major concern. Really if he is pulled out of that situation and either home schooled or moved to another public school or private school and he is successful for his school career it just shows that there was issues with the situation he was in not that he was a failure. So I hate reading 'There's no way I'm letting him "fail."' It implies that HE is failing when it sounds (and again I really don't know the whole story) like the school is failing, especially with your comments such as producing good grades during the year.

Definitely consider removing him from the situation. Because the bottom line is not his permanent record but his self esteem.