Something that happened a few days ago...

DD15mos and I were watching a movie when DS3 called out from the bathroom, asking for help. As DD was quietly engrossed, I left her sitting on the sofa and went to DS. I was gone at the VERY most 5 minutes. When DS and I returned, we found DD hanging on top of the kitchen bench, attempting to open drawers (with her feet!) to step down onto. As we have child safety gates across the kitchen doorways, she had maneuvered a toy castle next to the gate, at the base of the cupboard. Then she had placed a big book on top of the castle, followed by a cushion. As I scooped her off the bench (heart still in my throat) she yelled "No, no, no! Over! I get guitar!", pointing at DS's acoustic guitar laying a few feet away.

What my family thought:

DS3: No, that's not dangerous. She was really careful - look, she even put a blanket down there. [I hadn't noticed it in my panic, but eagle-eyed DS never misses a beat]
DH: She's just like her brother- hold on to your seats everybody!
Mother: She thought it all out and executed her plan so quickly and quietly - that's awfully scary as a mother.
Father: So she really likes the guitar too - I will get her one for christmas [He gave the guitar to DS on his 2nd birthday]

Other than being terrified, I was pleased by how well her speech is coming along (as compared to DS, whose hearing was impaired until he was 18mos old due to chronic ear infections and really didn't start speaking til around 2yo) and her resourcefulness. As our house is practically devoid of proof that adults live here, she didn't have much to work with!

This story is by no means remarkable in this house or even GT related, really. I don't *know* if she's particularly advanced, I simply think there's more going on than 'active, curious toddler' kwim? It just fascinated me, how differently members of my immediate family looked at DDs escapade. I guess its somewhat easy to see how others 'don't get it', when 'it' can be so many things, looked at in such different ways.

BTW now that my last defended post has been taken i.e. the kitchen, anyone got any ideas for my next move? We're running out shed space and cupboards high enough to keep the kids out of danger...