It seems like a lot of parents here have children who "need" additional challenging material. They actually seem to "ask" to do work. I know with this being a Gifted Forum most children are capable of doing work in some if not all areas above their grade level or even several grades up.

My DD7 spends 1/2 day in 1st and 1/2 day in 2nd (bumped up for Language Arts/Reading). We knew she was a really quick learner and was reading/spelling way above grade level. When we had her tested, her testing confirmed she was HG so we got the school to accelerate her for 1/2 day starting in February. Even in her 1st grader room, the teacher instructs her using a 2nd grade math book so she doesn't do the math with the class, but rather by herself in the 2nd grade book. At first she really loved it and the 2nd teacher worked hard to accomodate her even above the 2nd grade level.

Recently though DD has started to say that she doesn't like it as she doesn't get to play like the kids do in 1st grade. In 1st grade they have "centers" with puzzles, games, etc. and basically for her this meant tons of free time to do whatever her heart desired. Read into this no education taking place. In 2nd grade the teacher keeps all the kids busy, not with busy work but really works hard to have individualized learning for each child at their level. Read into this, daughter is learning a lot. My DD said she may be capable of doing 2nd or 3rd grade work, but she is only a 1st grader age-wise and should get to play as much as 1st graders do. Sometimes she mentions she doesn't like splitting her time between 2 rooms.

We are really considering petioning the school for a full grade skip next year moving her right into 3rd. I don't know if the school will buy into it or not. My DD when asked what she thinks, likes the idea. She is doing great in her 2nd grade subjects and is in the highest group of 2nd graders even. Do I need to be concerned with her lack of ability to want to "work" in school? Will this pass if she is in a 3rd grade environment all day and doesn't know what the other kids are doing in a lower grade? Do any other gifted kids really lack the drive to want to work all day and would rather have free time/play time? I'm afraid if she doesn't get used to working in school now, it will be difficult when subjects come that really requiring some working on her part. Plus I don't like her spending all day in school not learning anything new academically if I don't grade skip her.