Does anyone have experience with language immersion schools specifically in regards to gifted students involvement in such programs? I know that there has been a lot of talk about social programs and Montessori schools.

We have registered for a social preschool attached to a church and still plan to send her starting this fall but also plan to watch DD for any signs that it isn't the right fit. I am not really worried that she will act out but more that she might get into the pattern of down playing her abilities which IMHO is the start of going underground. My DD already shows signs of downplaying when out in public but over the past few weeks is more willing to open up. My ideal situation is she loves her preschool and has fun socializing with other kids her age but still staying true to herself in the process.

But if it doesn't work out we are looking at other types of preschools and on that list is Montessori and Immersion Programs. Having my DD learn a foreign language is high on my list and especially in the early years so the Immersion program is one I am very interested in but really have not heard of it in reference to gifted and wonder if anyone has experience with these types of programs and was it a good fit for the gifted child? If it wasn't, why wasn't it? We have a tour scheduled on Saturday and I really don't know what questions I should ask.

Oh, also we are going to put her in their summer immersion camp which will give me some idea of how she likes it. Of course the camp is not the school but more intense with lots of activities. The school we are looking at is a Spanish Immersion and this is the language she already knows some basic things in such as colors and numbers.