I don't know about your state, but pre-k and k are not required here. However, I have no choice but to work, and DS5 is in the state funded pre-k now and will go to k in the fall (unless that changes, and he starts 1st). But I'm not sure about the home-schooling on either of those levels.

I also had the same issue with our school and county. But I haven't pushed the state yet (inquired, but not pushed). I do know that from the state site (again, not sure about VA, but...), that there are exceptions to the no early entrance rule here. there's just so many hurdles to jump to be considered at all. those will be worked on this summer. unfortunately for us, I am registering DS5 next week for K, so there isn't much time to get many of the tests/docs needed (totally my fault).

halfway down this page might help you: