An update....

Miracle of miracles! DP is now on board. Wasn't anything I said or had her read. It was DS. Our schools are going through SBA testing this week, so DS is playing hookey. He can't go to any of his pullouts and spending the whole day in K is worthless so I told him he can stay home.

Yesterday he went to the office with DP and they had a conversation. DS asked DP how much longer he needs to go to school. He told her that although he likes everyone, he hasn't learned anything new and can't see the point of continuing. He told her he learns more at home and wants to stay home except for Algebra (actually pre-algebra). He doesn't understand that you can't go to school for one class.

DP called me and told me what he'd said and said she's on board with whatever kind of skipping/accelerating we need to do. Just like that! I wish they'd have had this conversation a month ago! So now the school and DP are on board, we just have to sell it to the district. They've never done a multi-grade skip and no one at the school is sure how the idea is going to be received. Keep your fingers crossed!

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!