Yes, I think it was mentioned before here...'go' is a hard one to find in a search!
It is similar to Chess, but my understanding is that it has many more possible games than Chess, and some folks consider it more complex although deceptively simple to start in on.
There is a specific 'curriculum' and schools for becoming a pro GO player in asia (Japan, Korea and China all claim it started there).
Check out manga book series 'Hikaru No Go' for a kids-eye view of moving through this culture/learning system.
My ds8 really likes it but there are few folks to play it with, so recently he has turned to chess more.
There are some clubs around d.c., but they are pretty far from us.
I keep dreaming about starting a strategy game night at the school, for kids who play all sorts of things - go, chess, some of the popular card games like yu-gi-oh, etc. Just a mish-mash of fun.

It is a strategy/territory game. You win by surrounding other players pieces and also blank space. Also check out the national go around here somewhere...