Our GT Coordinator had me go to a meeting in February to learn about the Credit by Exam system in our district for skipping grades, suggesting that maybe DD8 should take them this summer for 3rd grade. We could have put her a grade ahead without questions when we entered public school due to montessori having her ahead 1 yr. DH was set on having her with her age due to size and her dramatics (which I now suspect to OEs after reading up and doubt it is maturity-maybe some). I am sort of kicking myself for believing the "differentiation" rhetoric and also having a bit of GT denial. I didn't deny she was smart just didn't realize to what extent. I have seen some of the 3rd graders this year and I can see how cocky they are and why staying back may have been good from the point of not dealing with these kids when she is too young, regarding bullying,etc.

I still think we may not want a whole grade skip but wouldn't mind math acceleration. The district apparently requires you to take all of the CBEs even if you only want subject acceleration. Or more likely I was told the easiest way was to follow the system and take the whole battery of tests. I hate sending her in cold to 4 days of testing knowing that she hasn't been exposed to some material in the science and soc. studies area. I worry she'll get frustrated and shutdown vs just trying to figure them out. So I wanted to do some minor prep. Trust me not hot-housing, I am not structured enough for that, can't even do it for myself. More like exposure to having to reason out a question and show her she can do it vs teaching her specific things. Her abilities are much higher than her confidence and she will many times act like she "can't" do something but then figure it out a few minutes later.

I was wondering if anyone has used the Bright Education website for test prep. and if they are legit or just a scam where they send you to free state websites.


Also wondering what test to pick. The CBEs are totally not like the TAKs (Tx). I was thinking that ITBS (which I took as a kid) or the CA tests or maybe even the SATs that were given at her montessori in K and 1st would be a good. Our "prep" will most likely consist of a few hours of messing around. I've never been a studier.

Note: I'm just toying with this idea and need to have a good talk with DD8 and the counselor's first. DD8 may not even want to do the tests. It's hard to tell, she definitely still reminds us that she is supposed to be in 3rd grade and went so far as to tell a neighborhood kid she was held back. Which is sort of funny, actually and perfect for her Chameleon personality. I was rolling my eyes. By Jr High, they test her and place her in at appropriate acceleration level. So I'm really only worried about Elem. at this point.