I would contact any area school districts that may have a sub-group of their PTA. If you pm me, I can give you a contact for one not to far from us (we don't have one). Our school I've found surprisingly a lot of parents could care less. I think I assumed that if your child has special needs you would be more vested. But I think the same % of gt parents are invested as traditional parents. But it sounds like you have a larger pond too.

My personal reaction is to lose the "support group" language or even thinking. I would think more outcomes/activities. What goals or objectives would such a group have - that sell well and would help get you past the hump of issues already presented (which are real as you know). By merely having a group, the support function would be there. But like an early PTA group, this new group could organize enrichment activities, host a camps/program fair to learn about all local options, sponsor some contests like history day or a spelling bee, create book clubs, etc. Wait, I just took a minute to read Kriston's post - so what she said :-)

You've re-light my fire on this subject. If I can't get it functioning via the school... I should at least talk to the public library about summer program offerings etc. and see if we can't get some things going to make some networks for these kids.