Cindi, DS8 just started the CDIS 3rd grade language arts course and he claims he loves it (a shocker, if you knew my son). He says it's fun, and he can write about fun things - "not three paragraph essays with 'more describing words'" per Kriston's post on the other thread. It's listed on the list of HS resources I posted earlier - it's at University of Missouri. It's a totally independent course - no teacher, but little multiple choice quizzes that get submitted. Books are "Write on Track," the overall resource book, Dear Mr. Henshaw (for writing letters and notes), Animalia by Graeme Base (for writing alphabet books), and another simple book or two. You can see a preview online. I like it in that it's easy and no pressure - a perfect recipe for us in an effort to get DS's writing skills caught up to his grammar, reading and vocabulary skills. DS hasn't finished yesterday's assignment though - they wanted him to write little notes to everyone in the family and stick them under the pillows. I'm still waiting...