Interesting feature of humans - we care about families we've never met, we want each other to overcome obstacles, we like to be together...even this faint echo of community.

Funny Story - one of my email friends, who doesn't visit often, and I love to trade long detailed emails. When we talk on the phone I think we both end up frustrated because we want to talk about 16 different topics at once, and we want to get a whole developed thought out without interruption and being tempted into 16 new topics. Perhaps cyber relationships are more satisfing than IRL ones in certain ways. When my son is playing online games, he is often amazed at the number of "nice people" who want to play with him. I think it's the same ratio as "nice people" in real life (IRL) but the pool of people is suddenly so much bigger.

Ideas of Names for this Forum:
"Raising Highly Gifted Children"
"Life with Gifted Children"
"Exploring Gifted Children"
"Loving your Gifted Child"
"Nurturing your Gifted Child"


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