
I'm trying to figure out what is going on with my 9 year old daughter who is in 3rd grade. She is exceptionally creative. For fun, she writes stories or makes up games with boards and pieces. She's been writing fiction stories with dialog since 1st grade and also does things like making precisely angled and supported roller coasters out of toilet paper rolls. She has done well in class, reads 2 grades above her level, is on the "hard" spelling lists and gets 103% right, etc. She has been in enrichment the past two years. This year is a whole different story.

Suddenly, she is getting B's and C's and was pulled out of enrichment due to inability to keep up. Her class work was coming home to be re-done and it seems like she doesn't get the instructions right. She knows how to do the problems, but doesn't do it right according to the instructions. For instance, it will read "Round to the nearest thousand" and she ends up rounding to the nearest hundred. She is bored and breezes through the regular curriculum, but can't keep up with the enrichment. Also, she cannot stay organized and can't seem to keep track of what is due and when. Even when it is written down on the chalkboard, she fails to copy it down right.

Her CogAT scores place her above average in nonverbal reasoning (7C) but two levels lower for quantitative reasoning (5C). The cumulative score, put her at a 6C, which is the high end of average.

Things just don't seem to add up for me. How come I see so much talent at home, but then her important scores at school don't reflect this. I have a gut feeling that she is a twice exceptional student. Her school is telling me she is just average and planning to do nothing. I'm wondering if I am onto something here or just imaging things. If anyone has any insight, I'd love to hear from you.


