I have twice exceptional kids, so I feel for parents who see the needs of their learning disabled not being met, as well as those parents who have gifted kids not being challenged.

I like this first article since it is from a mother's point of view of questioning the funding and programs for both her autistic son and her gifted daughter. I also find the comments below the article quite telling.

Recently, I came across a Time article from 1937 questioning "fast learners," the "mentally gifted," and the "lack of attention" when compared to "the feeble-minded." So the issue is an old one, and I wonder what can we as parents to actually move this country's education system to be at least fair with funding.

Perhaps, with the economy as it is, this isn't the time to push for public gifted education, but if not now, when? How many more decades need to go by?

Newsweek: Autism and Education

1937 Time: Fast Learners