I'm signing up DD3 for preschool tomorrow and I wanted to bring up some of her atypical behavior to make sure they're willing to accommodate her. I've toured the school before and when I very briefly mentioned that DD knew some of the things they teach in preschool like numbers, colors, etc they said they would accelerate her with more of a kindergarten curriculum. I did not really go into DD's abilities since it was just an open-house kind of visit to the school. This is a private school that offers preschool, uses mixed-age classrooms, individualizes education plans for each student and promotes acceleration at the student's rate -- sounds like a dream come true.

How do I tactfully have a conversation about my concerns with DD? Basically I just want them to reiterate that they will teach to DD's abilities, not to her age. I know this is just preschool, but she has so much ability to learn that I don't want to waste it (and I want her to have fun).

I just want them to understand that DD is a little different in some ways, like the fact she's been reading easy-readers, 1-to-1 counts past 20, does simple addition and subtraction, etc. What's the best way to say this without sounding like one of those crazy parents who think their child is just the SMARTEST little girl ever (and then you glance at her child expecting her to be solving quadratic equations only to see the little girl eating the paper off the crayons with a blank stare on her face). I don't want to be that mother! laugh