Yes, DS5 was late talking - at his 22 month check-up, I couldn't tick the box that said "uses at least 5 words regularly". I wasn't exactly worried, since he was communicating well, but not being worried was consuming more and more effort, IYSWIM! We have no diagnosed ASD in the family, but I think both I and DH's brother might have been diagnosed with Asperger's today. DS actually seems less that way than I remember being. We talked with the health visitor about maybe getting him speech therapy if he didn't talk soon, but the HV was reassuring and she was right - in the next few weeks he had the most stunning language explosion, and was talking in 4-5 word sentences before he was 26 months. He could read at least a bit before he could talk - hard to say how much! Certainly knew his letters by name and sound, and many of his first words were numbers.

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