Congrats on both parts - taking the EXPLORE and 3rd in the Derby! Yea!!

MrWiggly took the EXPLORE on Saturday as well. I woke up late after pushing snooze one too many times. Went downstairs to make coffee and was greeted by 2 inches of snow on the ground and flurries in the air! MrWiggly hadn't been able to fall asleep Friday night because of his father's snoring!! So he was hard to wake up in the am. But we got out the door and discovered the roads weren't too bad in spite of the snow. Then we managed to catch up to the plow! THAT slowed us down for sure.

But MrWiggly sat his butt in the seat at 8:32 and *just* made it for the testing. He had no time to be anxious or worried. It worked out great. I asked if it had seemed hard and he said "nah." I think it's great that at his age he's not stressed about testing. It will help a lot in the long run - since test scores determine so much in education.

I'm anxious to get the scores, especially the report from Northwestern comparing his scores to the other 3rd graders. And you're right, Dottie, the waiting will be harder after seeing all of you January people posting your results!