Hi Everyone,

I have been on this board about my son - and I have to say you are all so supportive and the advice very useful. Now it is an issue concerning my daughter. She is 5 and has been assessed as HG+ and her achievement test showed a reading level at 9 year level with comprehension a few months higher. Her verbal language is very advanced and she also achieved at the gifted level in maths on the WIAT. She is with her age peers and has not been accelerated at this point. My issue is that she is showing a tendency to select for friends the youngest kid in the class - even where there are relatively bright kids around who are a bit older. Go figure? She does have a profoundgly gifted friend outside of school (a boy) who she gets on famously with. This little boys mother says Molly may select the friends she can boss around or mother etc. However, I am not sure and wondering about her selection of friends at school. Has anyone ever experienced this or have any advice? it would be very much appreciated.


Last edited by Tizz2008; 02/17/09 06:07 PM.