I totally cracked up when I read this post, because my DS5 is exactly like this too! If it's about numbers and counting, he's on it! Last year, he decided that he was going to count to one million. He started this counting while we were driving somewhere and would pretty much only do the counting whenever we were driving. After several months of NON-STOP counting, he made it to 81,100, before he decided to "take a break" from the counting. Unbelievable! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it myself.

Also, BWBShari, I had to laugh about you being corrected about "Gazillion". I read this post right before I started dinner, and after dinner, of course, we are discussing math topics. At one point, when talking about large numbers, I said, "And there could be millions or billions or trillions or gazillions" of something (using the "gazillions" intentionally to see if my son would respond). Sure enough, he stopped me in my tracks and said, "No! Gazillion is not a number!"