Originally Posted by Isa
Originally Posted by Dottie
Ah, the younger generation....let's just say I was about 14 by the time we got our first microwave, crazy !

I do not remember how old I was, but certainly much more than 14....

LOL Dottie - I was about 14 also! I think I'm older than you (by a lot) but my Dad was an 'early adopter' and always had money to 'throw around' on stuff like that. I remember our first VCR Machine - which was almost the size of a washing machine (ok, I'm exaggerating, but it covered the whole top of the TV and was a feet deep and felt like it was make of bricks. Oh the noises it made when opening and closing!) We didn't go with Betamax, and recorded many TV shows. I think I was in my early teens for that as well.

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