
This cluster of symptoms can go along with non verbal learning disability or Asperger's syndrome. I don't know anything else about your child, but I want to suggest that you read about these issues and see if it sounds familiar. My oldest was identified in kindy as having social issues, hypotonia (low muscle tone) both gross and fine motor delays,and something called either postural insecurity or instability. He was later identified as having mild Asperger's syndrome. This does affect his executive function, or ability to organize, prioritize, etc.

My son hated writing and avoided it at all costs, until he learned to type. He was a bit older, at 13, but it made a huge difference for him. Suddenly he could really express himself, and at this point, he's in college and dreams of becoming a novelist.

If you read about NVLD and AS and think it might be a possibility, you should seek the opinion of a pediatric neuropsychologist to confirm or rule out these disorders. We delayed getting a neuropsych evaluation for years because the school OT and PT said that J "couldn't" have AS, as he could hold a conversation when alone with the person providing OT or PT services. They ignored his deep seated preoccupations and monologue style speech patterns, and he missed out on important years when he might have been given more help.

take care-