This is science fiction, but several very worth reading, my faves:

A Canticle for Leibowitz - tiny bit preachy, end of man-wise, and a little grim.

Ringworld. - fun, iirc.
Fahrenheit 451 - just a good book about book burning. smile

I, Robot. Of course.


Also, not science fiction....I haven't read the books, but the pbs series was very enjoyable. Good for a young man, I'd think:

Admiral of the Fleet Horatio Hornblower, 1st Baron Hornblower, GCB, is a fictional protagonist of a series of novels by C. S. Forester, and later the subject of films and television programs. Ernest Hemingway is quoted as saying, "I recommend Forester to everyone literate I know."[1] and Winston Churchill signalled "I find Hornblower admirable."[2]

And some info on the Captain Jack Aubrey books mentioned above..I very much enjoyed these. I kind of thought O'Brian writes like Jane Austen for the Sailing man. Tight, funny writing.

Last edited by chris1234; 02/12/09 04:26 PM.