Originally Posted by acs
I completely agree that the article did little or nothing to help the parents of gifted kids, which is a shame since this is going to add up to a lot of kids.

That being said, when I read the Parenting article, I remember liking how it normalized "normal." I felt at the time that its goal was not to dismiss giftedness (it did dismiss it, but that wasn't its point), but to help parents of ND kids to appreciate the value in their children and not to force them to be something they are not. I really liked that.

On this topic of normalizing and accepting, I totally agree with enough with everybody pushing that their child is gifted and even have a friend that plays the keeping up with the jones game. She knew my child was able to do x, y, and z so early that she set a curriculum for her child and uses that as boosting rights to her child is gifted. I think when parents do this they over look the key ingredient of the wants to learn by the child. So yes, in the above realm the article speaks out but I also think it undermines what 'gifted' truly is. They narrow it to the level 5 child that Ruf talks about and disregards the other highly gifted children in the process.