When DS was about 5 1/2 he went through a huge phase where he was completely engrossed with human anatomy. We were lucky enough to have this coincide with the last weeks of Body World in Baltimore MD. It was an exhibit where they show real human bodies that have been plastisized (sp?). DS LOVED it. He dragged me from exhibit to exhibit pointing out each and every body part and every gender of each cadaver crazy . (A couple of strangers came up to me asking "how old is he?")

At any rate, besides the countless anatomy books we have, we also discovered:


A great site for viewing the body. NOTE: all anatomy is shown. We're okay with this, but use at your own risk. It's a browser-based application that is free. It is installs a plug in for your browser and if you have a good computer and internet connection, your DD may really dig it.

We also found


As well as several other sites.

Have fun! We liked this phase a lot except we did have to explain what was acceptable privately and publicly.... but that was a good teaching point too.