Hey Isa. I use mathletics, but haven't looked at Aleks or rainforest maths so I'm not much good at comparisons but here's what I know about mathletics.

Miss 7.5 year old is primarily motivated by her mathlete character. I find it good for reinforcement, consolidation and mental maths (using the live mathletics feature). I don't let Miss 7 or Miss 4 play the additional games and they haven't worked out that they exist to date. Each exercise is normally 10 sums/equations, etc. Sometimes I feel that Miss 7 finds the pattern really easily but doesn't understand the concept. As an example, you can whiz thru converting centimetres to metres easily if you're given 10 similar examples in a row. But the next day, I wonder how much she's retained?

It's good for goal oriented kids. You can set them a goal of 1000 points a week (which is quite do-able) as homework. This works pretty well for Miss 7. I like that it is one of the few things that Miss 7 can do independently (although this has taken a while to get going). I can now tell her which exercises she has to do before she plays around with her mathlete character. Surprisingly, it works!

You can only change the levels 6 times in one year, so the subscription can't be shared among siblings. We've never "run out" of change levels but I can imagine that some PG kids might (?)

I like it (although I'm not such a fan of spellodrome - their spelling counterpart). We've used it for 2 years now and I think we'll continue for another...
